Treatment of chronic prostatitis. How to treat chronic prostatitis

The prostate, or as it is otherwise called the prostate, is a rather vulnerable male organ that is prone to various urological diseases, especially prostatitis. And, despite the prevalence of the disease, treating chronic prostatitis is quite a difficult task.

Varieties of prostatitis and reasons for its development

Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate, accompanied by an inflammatory process in its tissues. Prostatitis is classified according to the following data:

  1. acute bacterial prostatitis caused by infectious agents;
  2. chronic bacterial prostatitis (infectious);
  3. chronic abacterial prostatitis (non-infectious);
  4. Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis - the nature of this species is not fully understood, despite many studies being carried out. This type occurs in the male body as a result of an infection of the prostate, which is possible for a number of reasons:

symptoms and treatment of chronic prostatitis
  • severe hypothermia;
  • difficulty emptying your bladder;
  • unstable sex life (irregularity or absence thereof);
  • concomitant chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • leading an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • lack of mobility.

Most often the disease proceeds without obvious symptoms, being felt only during periods of exacerbation, accompanied by such signs as:

  • feeling of discomfort and incomplete emptying during urination;
  • decreased sexual activity;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

In addition, chronic prostatitis can cause various diseases of the bladder, progressing to the stage of acute manifestation of the disease, and then treatment for exacerbation of chronic prostatitis is already provided.

Chronic abacterial prostatitis - the incidence is 92-95% of all types of prostatitis, according to these data, the prevalence can be judged. This disease has no age limit, so it affects men of all ages, but the peak falls on average at the age of thirty. The disease is diagnosed on the basis of the following symptoms:

  1. presence of painful discomfort (more than 3 months) in the pelvic organs;
  2. no signs of an infectious environment;
  3. increased dysfunction of sexual activity and urination.

It is also possible to distinguish chronic calculous prostatitis in urology, which in turn is a consequence of chronic prostatitis and is of greater concern to older men.

Can chronic prostatitis be cured?

Each patient is tormented by the question of the effectiveness of the treatment of chronic prostatitis, since this disease not only brings many inconveniences of a special nature, but also leads to psychological trauma for a man.

Considering the different directions in the application of the methods, we note that this appointment is made by a specialist on the basis of diagnostic measures. The urologist individually draws up a comprehensive program for the treatment of prostatitis, which includes a whole range of therapeutic procedures. So a comprehensive conservative approach includes:

  1. drug treatment of chronic prostatitis;
  2. physiotherapy
  3. ;
  4. Manual therapy
  5. .

As noted, a specialist selects an individual program that undergoes general scheme adjustments, and each patient is a separate treatment for chronic prostatitis, calculated by their attending physician.

Effective treatment of chronic-type prostatitis primarily involves the following additional research:

how and how to treat chronic prostatitis
  • consultation of a neuropsychiatrist, endocrinologist, cardiologist;
  • perform computed or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain to examine the functions of its performance and structure;
  • research on hormonal status;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

How to treat chronic prostatitis if the patient does not see any symptoms? This case means that the patient is in remission or the disease is asymptomatic, the latter case, of course, requires an immediate visit to a specialist who will perform all the necessary procedures. The conditions for treating chronic prostatitis usually vary by 2 weeks or more, it depends on the condition of the prostate and the degree of the disease.

For example, drugs for the treatment of chronic prostatitis require a constant supply in men, which combines with the disease a decrease in arterial blood flow to the penis. And in order to increase this blood flow and cause an erection, a constant supply of vasodilator drugs is necessary.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis at home

In case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, all the recommendations described below are followed. It is bed rest for several days, exclusion from physical activity, refusal of alcohol. Having removed the exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to decide on your regime of work and rest for many years.

To avoid recurring exacerbations, the following basic guidelines should be followed at all times:

  1. Avoid hypothermia - first of all, exclude sitting on cold ground, concrete curbs, stones, even in the hot season. Clothing should be loose, light enough, but suitable for the season. A great way to get rid of exacerbations of chronic prostatitis is to harden the body. In this case, you can use hardening with water, air baths, daily being in the open air for at least 1-2 hours.
  2. It is very important to empty the bladder regularly, to avoid overflowing and prolonged retention of urine ("do not tolerate", go to the toilet every 3-4 hours).
  3. If you have a sedentary job, you need to take a 3-5 minute break every hour or two and walk, warm up. If this is not possible, you should perform at least one retraction of the anus 40-50 times in one approach, repeating these exercises 4-6 times a day.
  4. Regular moderate physical activity is one of the most important factors in preventing exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, clearing congestion in the prostate and pelvic organs. The minimum of such activity consists of daily morning exercises, walking at a moderate or fast pace for 30-40 minutes continuously (that is, without stopping, going to the store, etc. ). In addition, you need a weekly trip to nature with feasible work in the country, picking berries, mushrooms or long weekend walks for 2-3 hours, visit the swimming pool or, in casesextremes, exercise at home on home simulators (treadmill, rower, stepper).
  5. If possible, exclude trauma to the perineum (refusal of regular professional cycling, equestrian sports, motocross).
  6. Regular sexual activity is the most important factor in removing congestion from the prostate. In addition, moderation is important here, the correspondence of sexual relations with the sexual constitution of a man. It is important to avoid prolonged and interrupted sex, to have a permanent sex partner.
  7. Fight constipation.
  8. Total refusal to drink alcohol during exacerbation of prostatitis and maximum reduction in the amount of alcohol consumed during remission. It requires a complete rejection of cheap beer and wine.
  9. If possible, exclude work associated with constant nervous tension, frequent stressful situations or learning to resist stress through self-training, meditation.
  10. Preventive visit to a urologist twice a year for clinical examination, TRUS, laboratory analyzes of urine and prostate secretions, and after 40 years - and PSA. The implementation of these simple measures will prevent possible exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, will help strengthen the body, its defenses.

How to cure chronic prostatitis with medication?

The root causes of prostatitis are, first of all, various sexually transmitted infections and viruses, which in turn affect the urethra, being detected in the tissues of the prostate. It should be noted that when diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis, the treatment consists of several stages.

Treating bacterial prostatitis is one of the most difficult tasks in modern urology. Despite advances in the diagnosis and early detection of the disease, only 30% of cases can be completely cured. Modern therapy for bacterial prostatitis involves several stages and can clearly answer the question, “Is chronic prostatitis treated and how exactly? ” Success also depends largely on the coordination of the patient-doctor chain. So, the main stages of treatment:

  • pain relief - the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • reduce anxiety - take antidepressants;
  • restoration of the urination process;
  • local treatment - douching;
  • physiotherapy treatment
  • ;
  • targeted therapy - drugs prescribed by a doctor for chronic bacterial prostatitis are recommended to be taken, as well as antibiotics;
  • surgical treatment of chronic prostatitis - the use of this method is necessary in cases of urethral stricture and abscess of the prostate.

It should be noted that nowadays the treatment of chronic prostatitis with antibiotics is quite justified, but only after completing the full course, which on average takes about 2 weeks. After graduation, the doctor evaluates the results, and most often there is a positive trend. Antibiotics for chronic prostatitis are used because this disease is infectious, caused mainly by pathogenic bacteria, which for sure requires antibiotic therapy. The key point is the correct choice of the drug according to a scheme of use clearly chosen by the attending physician.

In particular, it should be noted that when taking drugs for chronic prostatitis, you should strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment schedule, as well as the frequency of dosing.

It should be remembered that there is no absolute cure for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, and maximum cure is possible only with a thorough diagnosis and compliance with all the prescriptions of aspecialist. Self-medication is particularly harmful for this disease, due to its specificity and seriousness.